Lovecraft's Wager
2012-10-19 17:36:59.600415+00 by
Dan Lyke
Someone on Facebook posted a re-statement of Pascal's wager:
I would rather live my life as though there is a god and die to
find out there isn't, than life my life as though there isn't
and die to find out there are.
The fallacies are obvious, and I've been trying to rephrase things a bit to post without being totally offensive. Right now I'm headed towards:
I would rather live my life as though there were elder gods
and die to find out there aren't, than life my life as
though there aren't and die to find out there are. Will
you be among those eaten first?
I don't think I'm there yet.
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comments in ascending chronological order (reverse):
#Comment Re: made: 2012-10-19 18:38:41.664454+00 by:
Larry Burton
I'm trying to figure out how I'd live my life differently either way.
#Comment Re: made: 2012-10-19 22:37:49.387457+00 by:
I'm with Larry. When I was much younger religion may have been an influence, but as I got older, my own rules evolved.
#Comment Re: made: 2012-10-20 02:12:08.737293+00 by:
Larry Burton
Meuon, with me it isn't about my rules but what I see as laws that are
as natural as the laws of gravity. Just as there are consequences for attempting
to violate the laws of gravity there are consequences for violating the laws of
common decency and behavior. I give credit for those laws as emanating from God
while a non-believer will give randomness credit for those laws. Regardless of
where the laws come from observation has proven them to be laws of nature.