Proprietary Encryption!
2012-11-27 00:48:27.787505+00 by
Dan Lyke
Why you don't roll your own encryption. Asher Langton downloads Leaping Brain video file, discovers that player is a Python wrapper around VLC, figures out that he can save unencrypted .MOV from that, further finds that in fact the "BrainTrust proprietary video encryption" is that the beginning of each 1K block is XOR'd with "RANDOM_STRING".
[ related topics:
Monty Python Cryptography Video Python
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#Comment Re: made: 2012-11-27 02:41:05.475658+00 by:
[edit history]
I roll my own encryption, but it's for relatively low security stuff, because dealing with PGP is an effing pain. And I'd never pull anything as half-assed as what that guy did. I'm not saying exactly what I use, but I'll just say I haven't been seriously into recreational cryptography since I was ten years old for nothing.
[Edited to make it clear that I can do way better than the XOR fool, not that I can do way better than PGP. If I were THAT good I'd be doing crypto for a living.]
#Comment Re: made: 2012-11-27 03:02:05.037745+00 by:
Article 3 days from now: Asher Langton is charged under the DMCA for circumventing encryption.