"unlocked that level."
2013-03-15 21:49:15.005223+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
Krebs on Security - The World Has No Room For Cowards
Its not often that one has the opportunity to be the target of a cyber and kinetic attack at the same time. But that is exactly whats happened to me and my Web site over the past 24 hours. On Thursday afternoon, my site was the target of a fairly massive denial of service attack. That attack was punctuated by a visit from a heavily armed local police unit that was tricked into responding to a 911 call spoofed to look like it came from my home.
In which the practice of "SWATting", getting a SWAT team to respond to false alarms, is discussed. In this time of "no-knock" warrants, seems like the militarization of the police is eventually going to result in them being used as unwitting weapons to kill people...