It's not strong-arming if the police do it
2013-03-22 16:29:58.876416+00 by Dan Lyke 2 comments
DNA Lounge update 2013-03-20: Wherein SFPD is still going surveillance-nutty.
Officer Chan, the permitting officer for SFPD, called to remind us that we're required to have video surveillance that records everything our customers do, and to give that footage to SFPD any time they ask, without a warrant or explanation. "Actually, that's not the case, I'm not required to do that," says Barry. "It's a part of the Good Neighbor Policy," says the cop. "No, actually, it's not. And it's also not a condition of our permits."
"Well! I guess I'll have to speak to the Entertainment Commission about that, then!"
Makes me nervous about the San Francisco police.