Atheist Shoes goes plain brown wrapper
2013-03-27 14:11:24.078785+00 by Dan Lyke 5 comments
Berlin based Atheist Shoes was seeing a large number of packages shipped to the U.S. lost or delayed, so they ran a study, shipping some packages without the brand on the tape, and some packages with.
Having run a series of control tests in Germany and Europe, which demonstrate no such bias, the problem appears to lie in the USA and is likely explained by the differential handling of packages by the employees of the US Postal Service. Interestingly, this seems to be a national problem - traditionally less religious and more liberal states also saw high levels of delay and disappearance. Sadly, many of our customers who took part in this experiment were not surprised by our findings, even though tampering with post is a Federal Offence.
So they've dropped the "ATHEIST" packing-tape on shipments to the US.