NSA/PRISM links for the morning
2013-06-14 16:00:42.579826+00 by Dan Lyke 3 comments
Violet Blue in ZDNet: Ad Exec: Online ad industry complicit in NSA PRISM datamining.
Last Sunday, after the Edward Snowden video went live, Graham took to a large, private industry email list to call out the online advertising industry as complicit in the NSA scandal by making the public collection and use of personal information seem harmless, permissible, inevitable, and sometimes even desired.
But I actually think that's the other half of this that we're missing: If the National Security Letters and FISA court decisions weren't shrouded in secrecy, if we didn't have secret laws and secret legal decisions, I'd care a hell of a lot less about the surveillance. Hell, if I could get the same data about my cell phone calls that the NSA is getting, I'd be overjoyed.
Very related: RT @Medley:
David Simon has an interesting conversation with commenter Gavin in the comments thread: http://davidsimon.com/counter-arguments-gathered-and-answered/