Email from Vendor
2013-06-19 17:21:14.500507+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
Email from [Vendor redacted] advertising "Business Class Multitouch", and thought "that's why I don't go to E3"... #eeeww #creepy
2013-06-19 17:21:14.500507+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
Email from [Vendor redacted] advertising "Business Class Multitouch", and thought "that's why I don't go to E3"... #eeeww #creepy
[ related topics: Consumerism and advertising ]
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#Comment Re: made: 2013-06-19 17:52:43.778831+00 by: Dan Lyke
And on Facebook, Eric Wagoner observed:
I tried Business Class Multitouch and now I'm barred from flying Delta.