That thing where the release notes
2013-08-13 19:51:07.825336+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
That thing where the release notes should have had a big "THE SOAP API IS GOING TO BREAK!", but didn't. And new documentation is silent.
2013-08-13 19:51:07.825336+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
That thing where the release notes should have had a big "THE SOAP API IS GOING TO BREAK!", but didn't. And new documentation is silent.
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#Comment Re: made: 2013-08-13 23:22:06.043598+00 by: meuon
It's a SOAP API, It's going to break.
My current strategy is to accept whatever they send, write it out as a file, analyze what they sent and try to figure out how to respond. As the other end typically can't handle a real-time error anyway, (record #2345 is not valid.. ) this seems to work pretty well. Having a file or DB record of EXACTLY what they sent has been a life saver.