evening of trying to sit on my hands
2013-08-17 05:36:07.257081+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
An evening of trying to sit on my hands and letting the kids figure out the mechanical engineering. So cool when they did.
2013-08-17 05:36:07.257081+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
An evening of trying to sit on my hands and letting the kids figure out the mechanical engineering. So cool when they did.
[ related topics: Children and growing up ]
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#Comment Re: made: 2013-08-17 13:40:38.365726+00 by: meuon
Often, a good mentor should do nothing but makes people don't hurt themselves or others and provide opportunity to make mistakes. Kudos.
I've been involved in some local events where the teachers and parents are overly "hands on"..
What I've seen is the kids solutions are sometimes very different and work very well or much better than the "standard" answer. The journey, not the answer, is what is important at this stage.