2013-08-18 17:50:19.465765+00 by meuon 1 comments
Been using PGP/GPG at work, and am letting GPG Tools sign my work email by default. I'm having to explain what and why I am using it a lot, even though most of my email is to/from IT professionals and most are in other countries. After explaining and linking to the relevant websites I have a single line that I think explains it well:
"I love my country. I trust most people. Stupid people in powerful positions scare me."
Just got a big "ME TOO!" from an IT Admin whom normally speaks French, but whose English is pretty good and it made me smile. Then he sent me his public key from using: GPG4Win.org.
I've also started a process with StartSSL, and am: https://meuon.startssl.com. Am going through steps for the Stage 2 and hopefully "Notary" status. I'm intrigued by their concepts of a digital identify and using it for signing certs, OpenID and more...
The good things about the Snowden fiasco is more people are thinking about things we should have been taking seriously for many years. Including me.