Virus Shield
2014-04-07 13:37:58.322382+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
In which "Virus Shield" is shown to be a form with a toggle-able checkbox.
But there's an accountablity and trust issue that is going to have to be resolved in software...
2014-04-07 13:37:58.322382+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
In which "Virus Shield" is shown to be a form with a toggle-able checkbox.
But there's an accountablity and trust issue that is going to have to be resolved in software...
[ related topics: virus Invention and Design Software Engineering moron Space & Astronomy Aviation - Helicopters ]
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#Comment Re: made: 2014-04-07 14:15:09.609864+00 by: meuon
The problem with the overly predatory commercial "app" market for devices and now computers, is that the masses as well as the geeks have lost any semblance of trust on their devices. We the geeks need to be better at policing and ousting (and flogging) the scammers. The problem is being fueled by both smart geeks that need to make a living, and the "you too can learn to be an app programmer in 48 hours" appcelerator style programs.