Why the tech buses
2014-04-14 16:13:02.420328+00 by Dan Lyke 0 comments
Why have the tech buses invaded San Francisco?:
Google, for one, would love to build housing near its campus in Mountain View. They have tried to get it permitted and it has been rejected, while at the same time the city has approved additional office space. In fact, the city of Mountain View expressly forbade housing in its citywide general plan for the area around the Bayshore Campus. This would have put large numbers of Google employees walking distance from work, while also providing a walkable neighborhood near a light rail station. Google has also started investing in affordable housing, including one project in Mountain View, but unfortunately its only 51 units. The truth is that suburban communities dont want to build more housing, and Prop 13 gives existing owners little reason to care about increasing housing prices.
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