Windows Update to revoke certs
2014-07-11 14:13:09.997144+00 by Dan Lyke 0 comments
More evidence that the CA system is broken: Emergency Windows update revokes dozens of bogus Google, Yahoo SSL certificates:
Thursday's unscheduled update effectively blocks 45 highly sensitive secure sockets layer (SSL) certificates that hackers managed to generate after compromising systems operated by the National Informatics Centre (NIC) of India. That's an intermediate certificate authority (CA) whose certificates were automatically trusted by all supported versions of Windows. Millions of sites operated by banks, e-commerce companies, and other types of online services use such cryptographic credentials to encrypt data passing over the open Internet and to prove the authenticity of their servers. As Ars explained Wednesday, the counterfeit certificates pose a risk to Windows users accessing SSL-protected sections of Google, Yahoo, and any other affected domains.
Should have probably revoked the cert of the intermediate CA a lot faster, but...