Fire at Faire
2014-10-13 22:05:47.325289+00 by
Chattanooga had it's first Maker Faire, and I'd say it was a heck of a 1st event. Robots, Arduino's
3d printers.. you know the stuff.

But the real fun was being part of a team that made a very Burning Man-esque "sculpture".. Click
on the image to see video's and a couple more stills.
Best part of the build experience: Besides the people, playing with a top of the line welder is a lot
of fun.
[ related topics:
Burning Man Photography Robotics Graphics Chattanooga Video
comments in ascending chronological order (reverse):
#Comment Re: Fire at Faire made: 2014-10-14 10:06:28.460323+00 by:
Did you see Obama's comment on the spelling of "Faire"?
I wonder if the producers of Maker Faire will change the name.
#Comment Re: Fire at Faire made: 2014-10-14 13:18:54.056719+00 by:
Dan Lyke
Hanan: They should just add jousting!
Meuon: Cool! Love to see some at-night video... Need to build things for our various events.