Fusion now 4... uh... 5 years off
2014-10-15 20:10:52.299166+00 by Dan Lyke 2 comments
Y'all know how fusion has been 10 years away for 50 years? Well, it's now 5 years away, but... http://news.yahoo.com/lockheed...-project-123840986--finance.html
...Lockheed Martin Corp said on Wednesday it had made a technological breakthrough in developing a power source based on nuclear fusion, and the first reactors, small enough to fit on the back of a truck, could be ready in a decade.
It was 4 years away in February of last year, so apparently we're losing a year of delivery time every year and a half of elapsed time http://www.dvice.com/2013-2-22...promises-fusion-power-four-years ...