Dear every web designer Especially
2014-12-13 05:45:07.425606+00 by Dan Lyke 2 comments
Dear every web designer (Especially Google): Stop thinking you can do better things with my arrow keys than my browser. You can't.
2014-12-13 05:45:07.425606+00 by Dan Lyke 2 comments
Dear every web designer (Especially Google): Stop thinking you can do better things with my arrow keys than my browser. You can't.
comments in ascending chronological order (reverse):
#Comment Re: Dear every web designer Especially made: 2014-12-15 21:13:03.058354+00 by: Mars Saxman
Why on earth does the browser even let the site have that kind of control in the first place?
Isn't it supposed to be a "user agent"?
#Comment Re: Dear every web designer Especially made: 2014-12-15 22:35:40.263004+00 by: Dan Lyke
That. Yes.
But I've kinda given up on the "ECMAScript is Evil" drum beating.