I believe that servers should be wild
2015-03-06 18:45:04.808657+00 by Dan Lyke 6 comments
I believe that servers should be wild, not farmed.
2015-03-06 18:45:04.808657+00 by Dan Lyke 6 comments
I believe that servers should be wild, not farmed.
comments in ascending chronological order (reverse):
#Comment Re: I believe that servers should be wild made: 2015-03-06 18:47:29.456583+00 by: Dan Lyke [edit history]
RT Tara Calishain @ResearchBuzz
@danlyke And rack-free. Don't forget that.
#Comment Re: I believe that servers should be wild made: 2015-03-07 14:17:13.221997+00 by: meuon
On my list when I get home is to turn my older Sony laptop into a home web server. Linode's been great for http://geeklabs.com's serious needs, but I need to get back into playing more with different things. While the 'net has become more aggregated in places (Facebook, twitter.. etc..) the power of the 'net is to be a part of it, sometimes a very important part if it.. as almost nothing at all: a free range server, with 100mbps to 1gbps up and down on a reasonably static IP is a powerful tool.
#Comment Re: I believe that servers should be wild made: 2015-03-09 04:41:32.150234+00 by: Jack William Bell [edit history]
Maybe we should move beyond client/server systems into full on peer to peer? The web's very architecture leads to centralization of data and a power difference between readers and publishers.
#Comment Re: I believe that servers should be wild made: 2015-03-09 12:33:06.925269+00 by: Dan Lyke
I think there are some issues with the "what happens when a single resource gets immensely popular" problem, but, yes: I would like to see a successor to the web that involves some sort of publishing from our own platforms, possibly with a Torrent like distribution system that alleviates some of the upstream bandwidth issues.
#Comment Re: I believe that servers should be wild made: 2015-03-09 19:11:18.712599+00 by: Mars Saxman
God yes. I am really tired of this regression to client/server architectures. We can do so much better, and before the web got big we all used to.
It bugs me that so many people see the internet as nothing more than a new way to start businesses and make money. To me the exciting thing about the internet has always been its capacity for *destroying* businesses, allowing us to do things collaboratively that used to require money and organization.
#Comment Re: I believe that servers should be wild made: 2015-03-10 02:07:34.827119+00 by: meuon
Mars: "To me the exciting thing about the internet has always been its capacity for *destroying* businesses, allowing us to do things collaboratively that used to require money and organization."
Well said. If not outright destroying bad in-efficient business models, at least altering them into better ones.