Penn State
2015-03-19 13:42:11.239058+00 by
Dan Lyke
RT C. A. Bridges @cabridges:
Frat guy in group that posted pics of unconscious nude women concerned about ruined lives... of his buddies
RT C. A. Bridges @cabridges:
LRT: The only thing separating this guy from being an entertainment industry vice president is time.
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#Comment Re: Penn State made: 2015-03-19 15:12:08.443078+00 by:
Larry Burton
I just read, or attempted to read, the article. I really couldn't
get through it the guy was just to pitiful to stand. It's bad enough that he
attempted to defend the behavior of his fraternity. It is worrisome that someone
who has the least bit of college education would think it a good idea to
volunteer to be interviewed over his reasons for defending the behavior of his
fraternity. My boys knew by third grade that "everyone else is doing it" is never
a defense.