Bad Tutorials
2015-04-08 16:48:52.301071+00 by Dan Lyke 2 comments
Bad Tutorials. Shawn riffs on the gawdawful linkbait technical answers that are making Google worthless.
2015-04-08 16:48:52.301071+00 by Dan Lyke 2 comments
Bad Tutorials. Shawn riffs on the gawdawful linkbait technical answers that are making Google worthless.
comments in ascending chronological order (reverse):
#Comment Re: Bad Tutorials made: 2015-04-08 19:03:53.317496+00 by: ebradway
This is why we can't have nice things, like an internet that's not curated.
#Comment Re: Bad Tutorials made: 2015-04-08 20:15:47.902128+00 by: Dan Lyke
And a reminder that I need to simply add retrieving the original content from the RSS files I already spider, stuffing those in a PostgreSQL full-text indexed database, and allow searching of that.