Burning Bubba
2015-05-18 01:11:18.495043+00 by meuon 1 comments
Dan invited me to Burning
Man in 2002.. which reverted me to a former self buried deep inside. Been several times since,
each time is very different. Since 2002, I've been trying to tweak the local status quo even
more. We just had a great event, on East Main Street, just down from the old "Virtual
Building", an Art Car Fire Ball, with Art Cars from all over, and a metal file scultpture made by
Conrad, Andrew and some help from me. If you look closely, that's me at the controls, making
fire dance to the music (techno/trance/electro-swing and funk) creating and soaking up an
awesome vibe with kewl people. At some point, I teared up a little, remembering the black
hole that part of my life had been and was thankful of friends like Dan, Clem, Dave and many
others that tweaked my status quo, lighting my fire again.
Thanks Dan. I'm trying to pass it on....
(note: photo by Alan Miller, one of the Art Car crowd and interesting guy)