If you follow the chain of reasoning
2015-05-18 17:50:02.937161+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
If you follow the chain of reasoning, it sure looks like Lindsey Graham is saying that U.S. troops should have been subject to Sharia law.
2015-05-18 17:50:02.937161+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
If you follow the chain of reasoning, it sure looks like Lindsey Graham is saying that U.S. troops should have been subject to Sharia law.
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#Comment Re: If you follow the chain of reasoning made: 2015-05-19 14:07:16.418432+00 by: Dan Lyke
He's also advocating for extrajudicial executions for thoughtcrime. This is one scary ass wackohttp://www.npr.org/sections/it...m-cheese-and-red-meat-to-iowans: