Want a building destroyed or people
2015-06-04 02:50:04.738875+00 by Dan Lyke 2 comments
Want a building destroyed or people killed? exiftool is your friend: http://www.engadget.com/2015/0...an-isil-base-because-of-selfies/
2015-06-04 02:50:04.738875+00 by Dan Lyke 2 comments
Want a building destroyed or people killed? exiftool is your friend: http://www.engadget.com/2015/0...an-isil-base-because-of-selfies/
comments in ascending chronological order (reverse):
#Comment Re: Want a building destroyed or people made: 2015-06-04 21:02:59.574134+00 by: ebradway
Hmm... what if ISIS was using exiftool to set the geolocation in their selfies to a target they want destroyed?
#Comment Re: Want a building destroyed or people made: 2015-06-04 21:08:07.471928+00 by: Dan Lyke
That's what I'd be doin'...