'Trainwreck' and Taboo
2015-08-06 15:39:37.033011+00 by
Dan Lyke
'Trainwreck' and Taboo:
The thing about taboosideas about what is indecent or disgustingis that entire social structures get built around them. To violate the taboo is to threaten the entire edifice. Powerful taboos on women-things often go with male domination. So for the National Review, the Trainwreck reversal of rom-com gender roles makes the movie dangerous and subversive.
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#Comment Re: 'Trainwreck' and Taboo made: 2015-08-06 20:15:29.256596+00 by:
Totally inaccessable without javascript -- punting the link upstairs
to the fancy computer.
#Comment Re: 'Trainwreck' and Taboo made: 2015-08-06 22:16:03.542561+00 by:
Dan Lyke
Ugh. I am hating the trend toward JavaScript, both from a UI perspective, and from a device which can read it perspective.