2015-09-29 21:35:10.429044+00 by Dan Lyke 2 comments
RT Lesley Carhart @hacks4pancakes:
Think of the "internet of things" as letting 100 strangers walk through your home or work every day to press buttons on all your appliances.
2015-09-29 21:35:10.429044+00 by Dan Lyke 2 comments
RT Lesley Carhart @hacks4pancakes:
Think of the "internet of things" as letting 100 strangers walk through your home or work every day to press buttons on all your appliances.
[ related topics: Work, productivity and environment Net Culture ]
comments in descending chronological order (reverse):
#Comment Re: IoT made: 2015-09-30 12:21:56.460086+00 by: DaveP
I found that I've actually bought more X-10 things in the past year than I had in all of the previous 12 of owning this house. I decided I wanted to get things that didn't talk to "the outside world" while still giving me some benefits, and I figure X-10 is bad enough that it'll be replaced by some IoT thing soon, so I'd better buy spares now.
#Comment Re: IoT made: 2015-09-30 02:20:16.577242+00 by: meuon
I've been watching the amount of chatter of a few things in my house. It's impressive . We specifically don't have connected "appliances" on purpose. Our other devices are plentiful and bad enough.