Annabel Chong/Grace Quek
2000-02-11 14:56:54+00 by
Dan Lyke
I got a flame yesterday over my notes on the Annabel Chong documentary where I compared the spectacle around the movie at Sundance
last year to the excesses of sports and the attitudes that have caused the various Olympic scandals. I'd softened my attitudes about her (rather than the furor over the documentary) when I read the Amy Goodman Interview with Chong in Nerve (Nerve apparently doesn't understand the web, you'll have to enter that URL twice because they send you to their main page if your referrer isn't from them), but a New York Times interview of the documentary complains about many of the same issues I saw in the earlier media coverage. Now that I'm worked up about it I suppose that I ought to make an effort to see it somewhere.
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Sexual Culture
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#Comment made: 2002-02-21 05:32:00+00 by:
Dan Lyke
A reader who wishes to remain anonymous forwarded some notes on to me on this topic:
I just finished reading your online article about Annabel Chong and her
251-man stunt and such. I must admit that when I first heard about that, I
had a rather queasy reaction myself, despite the fact that I generally am
not all that shockable by sex acts, gore, etc. It inspired me to do a lot
of reading about Annabel Chong (whose real name is Grace Quek), and
subsequently about others in the porn business, and later about those
involved in prostitution. Yeah, I know, it became a bit of a research
project I guess; it's pretty interesting stuff in a way.
Anyhow, I'm not sure how much you know about Grace Quek, but the more I
learned, the more I think I did understand her little feat, though of
course I still think it was insanely risky on her part and was probably not
the best way of handling her problems.
To make a long story short, Grace was a girl from Singapore who grew up in
a conservative home with both parents being teachers. She attended an
all-girls Catholic school for most of her life, then attended USC in the
States for her undergraduate education, during which she majored in Fine Arts.
By the time she just passed 20 years of age, she was in London, attending
King College Law School, in preparation to work at a job waiting for her at
a respectable law firm in Singapore. Somewhere along the way, she started
experimenting with massive amounts of drinking and frat-style orgies.
One evening, coming home drunk from a party, Grace was gang raped by three
or four 20-something guys in an empty London Underground station. She
remembers very little about it, but says there was a 12-year-old kid
standing nearby who she remembers being quite shocked by what he encountered.
Of course, it affected her quite a lot, and she proceeded to then get
involved with stripping in local bars and such. Ultimately, she dropped
out of law school, moved to Southern California, and started stripping full
time. She told her parents she was just taking some time off, so they
didn't really know what she was doing.
As many strippers do, she ultimately got involved with the porn business in
the Los Angeles area, and she became known as the Queen of Anal and was one
of the most famous Asian porn actresses. When she was looking for a new
video project to do at one point, her friend (using that term loosely) and
porn producer whose name I forget suggested a big gang bang movie with 251
guys, breaking some record or other.
She says the idea immediately settled well with her, in retrospect she
thinks perhaps because it gave her a way of taking back control over her
sexuality that she had lost at the gang rape incident in the Underground
station a year or two before.
You're correct that in reality there were only about 90 guys present, not
the reported 251. But nobody claimed pornography was replete with
journalistic integrity. All 90 or so guys were made to stand in line naked
during the ten-hour affair. Most of them were just guys off the street who
responded to ads in porn mags and such. There were likewise a few pros
there that Grace said she recognized.
The movie was shot in five-minute sequences, during which two or three guys
would all get around Grace while they jerked off and tried to cum on
her. Some would actually penetrate, though she said that wasn't
required. She claims she remembers having one or two orgasms during the
ten-hour deal, but she's not really sure in retrospect as it all became
something of a blur. She was able to get up every hour or so to stretch
her legs (I suppose) and get some water or a snack.
Her so-called friend kind of botched one part of the deal in that he didn't
actually check to make sure all the guys had clean recent HIV test results
as he promised Grace he would do. Luckily, she did insist that they all
wear condoms, much to her friend's dismay since he said it would make the
video more difficult to sell in Europe. She says there were a couple
bodyguards near her who would handle anyone who got out of line or tried
taking off his condom.
In retrospect, she admits that it was pretty risky, and she says that at 26
she now feels her mortality every day, in her words. I'm only 21, younger
than she was when she did the video, and I guess I already at least
recognize my mortality a hell of a lot more than she did at my
age. Personally, I think the whole gang rape incident and a few other
things I've read about her from her past put some major bats in the belfry,
and I'm not convinced that she still doesn't have some problems in dealing
with all of her past.
She's tried committing suicide a couple times, though she's either sought
help or been stopped. She's also had a few problems with drugs, though she
claims this isn't a serious problem in her life. She also feels she's
lucky that her past hasn't left her with a ton of STDs and such, though of
course as many are asymptomatic for some time, it wouldn't surprise me if
that's not entirely true.
Last I recall from back when I read up on this stuff, she had some gay
transvestite guy that was her, well, boyfriend, or something like
that. She's out of the acting part of porn, as she feels it's too "risky"
and such, so she's now in the producing side of it. One of the things she
says she doesn't like is how so many of the girls in porn are always loaded
up with drugs and such to numb their minds during the long shooting hours
and rather unsatisfying sex. In one interview, she seemed to recognize
that there's a little bit of herself in every girl she sees on the other
side of the lens now that she claims is, "screwed up."
On a side note, you're likely right about most of the sex involved in
pornography. As I studied the industry in a broader scale, I found out
several interesting things about it, including the fact that very long
shooting hours are not uncommon. And to top it off, guys are required to
remain erect during most of the shoot, which many guys admit kind of puts a
damper on their real sex life and ultimately drives them out of the
business, which quickly turns into a chore and less of an exciting
fantasy. Grace Queck once said something along the lines of, "Porn sex is
kind of odd. It's not really sex for pleasure, but rather sex for visibility."
Oh, one other thing. It's interesting that Grace seems to be rationalizing
out all of her "work" by claiming that she's part of the feminist movement,
by rejecting the stereotype of women as having to always prefer romance and
intimate, monogamous relationships, whereas guys are supposed to always be
polygamous playboys.
In other words she doesn't like the double standard that a lecherous guy is
a stud while a lascivious woman is a whore. Of course, I can't really say
that I agree with her tactics, and in any event, such "causes" will always
end up being cyclical and rather futile in the end. For instance, if she
succeeds and it suddenly becomes expected for a woman to seek many sexual
partners in extreme conditions, then the next big thing would be for the
next line of "feminists" to demand that women remain chaste and virginal,
to counteract the stereotype that all women are sluts. Que sera sera...
Anyhow, thought you might find the above interesting. Enjoyed reading your
essay quite a lot, for whatever purpose you wrote it and put it up on the web.
in a subsequent message, he added:
Yes, Annabel Chong and several other prostitutes, porn performers, and
others in the so-called "red light industries" have left me rather baffled
after my studies of their interviews, writings, etc., as well. There is no
truth at all in the idea that all sex workers are simply, "dumb sluts and
bimbos," that are just too stupid to realize the risks of their occupation
or are just sex-crazed nymphs or anything like that.
I can't say that I really a much better understand of the "typical sex
worker" now than I did before my research, because there really doesn't
seem to be one. No more than there is a "typical bartender" or "typical
engineer" or an archetype of any other profession.
Regarding what I wrote to you earlier, I'm glad you found it
interesting. Another detail I recall that I can't remember if I sent you
was that Grace is also a chain smoker. Now I have nothing against chain
smokers or smokers in general, but I think that might be a clue about her
personality and general character.
To briefly explain, the thing you might notice throughout all of her
interviews and writings is that to the very end she will claim to have full
control over her life, including and most especially her pornographic and
sexual pursuits. Note that she also has worked as a stripper and lap
dancer at various points in her life, though she claims she has never been
a prostitute. I'm not quite sure what her definition of a prostitute is,
but I can assure you that it's most likely much more precise than the
definition in most peoples' minds.
In any event, she will claim to have full control of her life to the very
end. She says everything she does is a, "calculated risk," and that she is
willing to die for the experiences she's had. And at first, this cogency
in her message was very convincing to me. But while I could be wrong, I'm
afraid my last impression and conclusion is that in reality, she seems very
much like the chain smoker who knows the risks of heart disease, cancer,
birth defects, and all the rest that come with smoking, yet who until the
very end will claim that there isn't enough proof of the ill effects of
smoking or that he can quit at any time or that he really only smokes for
social reasons and not because he's addicted.
I'm not quite sure I would go so far as to say that pornography or sex or
anything else in particular is an addiction with Grace. I simply have no
way of knowing as all of my knowledge of her only comes from what she
chooses to reveal through her statements and actions in the public
eye. But I will say that it seems to me that she was very dramatically
affected by the gang rape in the Underground station when she was 22 years
old, and she has never been the same since.
In fact, in one interview I read of hers, the interview actually asked her
if they could talk about the gang rape (very few interviewers did broach
that subject). Much to my surprise, this was the only thing that she
explicitly refused to talk about, as nearly all the rest of her life and
physical body is open for the world to see, at least in a way.
But when she was asked about the rape, the interviewer commented on how she
flinched a bit and quickly said, "Can we not talk about that too
much? It's still very painful for me, and I would rather talk about other
things," or something to that effect.
I do not have the least doubt that she was telling the truth. I had
thought in my own mind well before reading this that surely the rape must
have been a very profound part of her life. And indeed I think her
response made me even more certain. Not one other subject was ever brought
up--from Grace's personal thoughts on anal sex to the relationship she has
with her parents in regards to her career--that ever caused her to back
away from telling the whole story as she saw it.
In the end, the only thing she did say about the rape was a brief
description of what happened and then a suggestion that perhaps her
decision to become a stripper and ultimately to do the gang bang scene was
an attempt to take back control over her sexuality and her sexual power
over men. She wanted to turn the tables more in her favor, it seems.
And now I personally feel she's reaping the psychological consequences for
all that has happened in her life in the last several years. She's clearly
a very bright girl, and a very tough one at that to be able to put up with
all she has as well as she has. But I can't help but get the feeling
whenever I read the interviewers' descriptions of her appearance and
whenever I read and reread her comments that deep down there's more on her
mind than she's admitting.
Obviously, I wouldn't want to hazard a guess as to precisely what that is,
as I am neither a trained mental health professional nor a personal
acquaintance of Grace. But there seems to be something there, and I think
that if that something were really explored, it would reveal that she's not
really quite as much in control of her life as she claims, in several
ways. Again, I'm being purposely vague here, as I can't really put my
finger on what she's thinking.
But I really do think that her comments on the intellectual properties of
pornography in regards to homosexuality and feminism and other such
comments are really somewhat analogous to the snide remarks regarding
clinical studies of the link between cancer and smoking made by the
lifelong smoker. Rationalizations for past and present behavior, in other
words. That's just a guess, though.
If you would like, feel free to post on your website any of the comments
above or in my past e-mail. Though I would like to note here that all of
my factual comments regarding Grace (aka Annabel) were typed from memory,
so some dates, places, and orders of events might be a bit off. But any
readers may feel free to check the details themselves, and I trust they'll
find that the essential details are present and correct. Likewise, of
course, my opinions of Annabel are simply that and are not based on any
sort of professional psychological analysis or anything of that sort.
Finally, I would prefer that if you do post my comments that you do so
anonymously. Of course, if it wouldn't be too difficult, I would
appreciate being informed of any comments from anyone else who might know
more than you or me on this matter. Other than that, do with my comments
what you will. Glad you enjoyed them, and yes, I definitely enjoyed
reading your website, as well. You've actually inspired me a bit to
perhaps one of these days get together some of my thoughts I've typed out
over the years and stick them up for anyone who's interested. Ugh, that
sounds like a project, though! ;-)
Sorry to bother you again, but one more thought I had was as follows:
Though I don't at all want to minimize the likely severe effects on her
psychological well-being that the gang rape in the London Underground
station had on Grace, I think that this traumatic event was likewise
combined with another troubling thought in Grace's mind. I believe that
for some reason she was forced to admit that up to the point that she was
attending law school, so much of her life was already planned and
completely beyond her control. She had had little to do with her position
in life in reality, and in a way she wanted to gain some control.
She says over and over again in her interviews that she is trying to avoid
doing the things that every middle class Singaporean girl is expected to
do. Thus she continues to work as a stripper and porn actress and
director. She chain smokes, does drugs occasionally, associates with
transvestites and homosexuals, and generally flaunts as many conservative
middle class conventions as possible. But ironically enough, the very fact
that she is doing all of these things given her background makes it simply
all the more obvious that in the end, she really is simply running away
from her past full speed ahead, even if she is aware that she is doing it.