Snowden nails Apple vs FBI and Pew
2016-02-22 18:41:58.38646+00 by
Dan Lyke
Well put, Mr Snowden: RT
Pew poll finds when the government misinforms the public, the public is
Scientists baffled.
[ related topics:
Apple Computer moron Law Enforcement iPhone
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#Comment Re: Snowden nails Apple vs FBI and Pew made: 2016-02-22 18:56:58.184209+00 by:
Dan Lyke
RT Aaron Levie @levie:
Simple security rule of thumb: don't build encryption for how the world is
today, but how it could be if Donald Trump were President.
#Comment Re: Snowden nails Apple vs FBI and Pew made: 2016-02-22 20:25:54.676829+00 by:
Dan Lyke
[edit history]
RT katie benner
Comey says the Apple order is just for San Bernardino. Cy Vance hopes hopes it's not