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2000-03-24 05:07:03+00 by Dan Lyke 11 comments

A month or so back there was an exchange between Lindsay and Peter about the relevance of the web. I've been puzzling about this for a while, because it seems to me that despite the huge growth of the web it's become a less useful and interesting place for me in general. I don't know if it's because the novelty has worn off, but I suspect not, most of the discussion forums that I used to find indispensable are now flooded with FAQs (perpetual September), and most of the web sites that I thought were so cool back in the early days are gone because their authors couldn't keep up with the load of the growing user base. One such site which has reappeared is Jourdan Shelbourne's Ivory Gates, assorted erotic stories and ramblings. Note particularly such stories as Virgin (On the Ridiculous) and Unwrap Party.

[ related topics: Web development Erotic Sexual Culture Weblogs ]

comments in ascending chronological order (reverse):

#Comment made: 2002-02-21 05:29:50+00 by: ziffle

you know you could say that twice if you wanted to.. you know you could say that twice if you wanted to..

#Comment made: 2002-02-21 05:29:50+00 by: meuon

Dan.. I live on the 'net, but the signal to noise ratio is so high that I seldom browse it. I find myself seeking out small communities like Flutterby actively. I was interested in the 'net because of the quality of people I found there, and the technology was interesting. It's now so full of slick sites and money making schemes that it turns me off. Is the 'net dead? No, but like CB Radio, it's noise level may cause it to die.

#Comment made: 2002-02-21 05:29:51+00 by: meuon

Dan.. I live on the 'net, but the signal to noise ratio is so high that I seldom browse it. I find myself seeking out small communities like Flutterby actively. I was interested in the 'net because of the quality of people I found there, and the technology was interesting. It's now so full of slick sites and money making schemes that it turns me off. Is the 'net dead? No, but like CB Radio, it's noise level may cause it to die.

#Comment made: 2002-02-21 05:29:51+00 by: jra

Thanks for pointing out Jordan's site. I'd seen Tomboy in other places before, but most of the rest of his writing were things I hadn't seen before. I'll repeat what I told him: I think he's right up there with MKS and Friar Dave. Cheers, -- jra http://baylink.pitas.com

#Comment made: 2002-02-21 05:29:51+00 by: jra

Hmmm... maybe <BR> tags would be good... Cheers,
-- jra

#Comment made: 2002-02-21 05:29:52+00 by: jra

Or maybe not. Crap, Dan; there's no way for me to do my .sig. -- j

#Comment made: 2002-02-21 05:29:52+00 by: Dan Lyke

Sunuvabeech. I'll be danged. Dunno what's goin' on, I'll see if I can suss out what's going on with the tag.

#Comment made: 2002-02-21 05:29:52+00 by: Dan Lyke

#Comment made: 2002-02-21 05:29:52+00 by: jra

Blank lines are translating into

's, but no HTML is permitted, including
, which means I can't stack the sig. Being able to mangle the link would be nice, too... but you can always just hardwire that in the perl code. ;-)

#Comment made: 2002-02-21 05:29:52+00 by: jra

left-angle-bracket sigh right-angle-bracket :-) If you have to eat the HTML, could you at least just escape the &lt's, and leave it in place? It's a useful stylistic convention..

#Comment made: 2002-02-21 05:29:52+00 by: Dan Lyke

Yeah, well, it still should handle <sigh>faux-html</sigh>. Damn, not quite. Spent today doing reports that should have been done by someone else rather than hacking on this code. Perhaps Wednesday?