Russians hacked both DNC RNC systems
2016-12-10 20:35:19.399301+00 by
Dan Lyke
The Russians hacked both DNC & RNC systems & leaked Democrat emails: what are they blackmailing Republicans with?
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#Comment Re: Russians hacked both DNC RNC systems made: 2016-12-12 21:11:52.237069+00 by:
Larry Burton
The New York Times is saying this. Every other source I find on the subject
references back to the New York Times. And the officials that are being
quoted are administration officials not intelligence officials. It isn't
beyond the realm of possibilities that one CIA analyst's report is being
picked over other CIA analysts' reports to give the impression to the public
that the administration wants. If that is the case the NYT is exactly the
news source I would expect to publish it.