On voter fraud
2017-01-25 19:43:33.101121+00 by
Dan Lyke
Washington Post: Fact Checker:
Trump camp’s repeated use of dubious sources on voter fraud. Trump keeps citing a study
on voter fraud that doesn't say what he thinks it says.
Meanwhile, Stephen Bannon was registered to vote in two states
— despite his efforts to take himself off the rolls in Florida, and so is Tiffany Trump, which is what the studies actually said, and
the 20 state agreement to share voter registration information has dramatically cut down on
this sort of stale registration since the study was done.
Edit: Trump cabinet nominee Steven Mnuchin is also registered to vote in two states.
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#Comment Re: On voter fraud made: 2017-01-26 19:02:57.099981+00 by:
Dan Lyke
Son-in-law Jared Kushner.
#Comment Re: On voter fraud made: 2017-01-27 02:28:14.700545+00 by:
I personally may be registered to vote in two spots here in Texas - by error, and despite my own efforts to solve the problem. Eh. Big deal.
The question is, were both of those votes *placed*?
#Comment Re: On voter fraud made: 2017-01-27 18:21:42.458577+00 by:
Dan Lyke
You likely aren't registered to vote in two spots in the same state, because the state manages the rolls.
And, yes, the question is were both votes placed. But the Pew study which Trump has been semi-citing is about duplicate registrations, not duplicate votes. And since 2012 there's been a lot of progress in tracking registrations across states.
More: It turns out Jared Kushner and Sean Spicer are also registered to vote in two states
#Comment Re: On voter fraud made: 2017-01-31 01:16:18.491863+00 by:
Dan Lyke
Greg Phillips, voter fraud "expert"
quoted by Trump, is registered in 3 states.