Bullets: dangerous
2017-02-13 22:32:18.291221+00 by
Dan Lyke
One of the things about growing up is all of the stuff we used to do that modern society
whines is "too dangerous" for children. Jarts. Riding in the back of pickup trucks. Not
having to wear seatbelts in the back seat. Riding bicycles without helmets. And now it turn
out that bullets are *dangerous*. What, I ask you, is this world coming to?
fragments linked to lead poisoning, CDC study says
[ related topics:
Children and growing up Health Machinery Guns Bicycling
comments in ascending chronological order (reverse):
#Comment Re: Bullets: dangerous made: 2017-02-14 15:25:16.403773+00 by:
"bullet fragments that remain lodged in the body can be an important cause of lead poisoning"
Uh. Yeah.
I thought they'd be talking about fragments of rounds shot at targets, which can put a bunch of lead at an unexpected location, but this...
#Comment Re: Bullets: dangerous made: 2017-02-14 15:50:08.496483+00 by:
Dan Lyke
I suspect that this is actually a serious study about risk/reward for extracting bullet
fragments vs potentially damaging organs with further surgery.