Santa Rosa devastation
2017-10-12 22:38:24.487288+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
If you want to wrap your head around the scale of the devastation in Santa Rosa, here's some DigitalGlobe IR imagery showing the destruction, overlaid over the old imagery. Note the Fountaingrove area at the bottom of where this map opens to. Go left across 101 where it bends and look for the intersection of Coffey Ln and (zooming in a hair so the label becomes visible) Hopper Ave. Back up to the neighborhoods burned around Mark West Springs Rd. Based on this the fires didn't get as far as we'd feared, but holy crap. (And, yes, I suppose that Harbor Freight at Piner & Airway didn't burn after all).
It has been suggested that it's interesting that it seems like the primary fuel source in much of this was houses rather than foliage. Not so much in the Coffey Park area, but it sure looks like a lot of foliage left in the Fountaingrove area.