On adopting props
2018-03-30 16:30:06.337621+00 by Dan Lyke 2 comments
The story unfolded slowly: Five dead after car plunges off cliff along Mendocino Coast, CHP says.
And then news that Local woman killed in crash along with family members pleaded guilty to assault, CPS visited home 3 times, identified children as 'potential victims of abuse or neglect'.
And then Answers elusive in Mendocino Coast crash that killed family of 5; 3 children still missing:
The mystery has garnered widespread attention — in part because of the death toll and ages of the victims — but also because the family became something of a media sensation in 2014, when Devonte was photographed hugging a police officer at a Portland protest in response to the police shooting of a black man in Ferguson, Mo.
A Twitter thread with a black perspective on this: RT SJW Movie Reviews @sjw_movies:
We need to talk about white women. Specifically the sort who collect children of colour like accesories via transracial adoption, using them as props, and then abusing or even kill them.