Henry Cadbury on appeasing Nazis in 1934
2018-06-26 14:39:17.66717+00 by
Dan Lyke
RT Angus Johnston @studentactivism:
Okay. I've found it. The absolute culmination of the "we have to build
bridges with the far right" argument.

This Twitter thread. I will put the rest of it in the comments.
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#Comment Re: Henry Cadbury on appeasing Nazis in 1934 made: 2018-06-26 14:50:03.930449+00 by:
Dan Lyke
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Angus Johnston's twitter thread:
Okay. I've found it. The absolute culmination of the "we have to build bridges with the
far right" argument.

Henry Cadbury was a Quaker, and I'm sure he was a lovely man. But wow, was he wrong in a
very familiar way.

Among the anti-fascist tactics Cadbury condemned? Boycotts. He called them "war without

Astonishingly, Cadbury gave this speech to a conference of rabbis. It was not well-

Rabbi Stephen Wise (who would, ironically, himself be later criticized for equivocation
on anti-Nazi topics) repudiated Cadbury's speech.

Another rabbi basically said any talk of "loving" Hitler was pointless sophistry.

That same rabbi on the moral and practical necessity for a diversity of tactics:

(Same day, same page: American Baptist pastor says the appeal of Nazi antisemitism is
grounded not in bigotry, but—I kid you not—economic anxiety.)

The conference released a statement repudiating Cadbury's both-sidesism and insisting on
the moral necessity of resistance to the Nazis.

(Just a note: "Israel" in the above clip doesn't refer to the nation of Israel, which
didn't exist in 1934, but to the Jewish community.)
Here's the original article on Cadbury's speech.
And here's the follow-up article from the next day from which the rest of the above
clippings were taken.
A nice summary of the blowup from a broader article on the conference that appeared a day

Here's to "a spirit of sterner resistance to Hitler"!
#Comment Re: Henry Cadbury on appeasing Nazis in 1934 made: 2018-06-29 01:28:18.366003+00 by:
Of course, "refuse to build bridges with the far right" breaks down when libertarians and classical liberals are grouped in with the "far right".
#Comment Re: Henry Cadbury on appeasing Nazis in 1934 made: 2018-06-29 16:13:46.61849+00 by:
Dan Lyke
I think this is the first time in a long time I've seen Libertarians and civil libertarians talking with each other; the immigration situation is bringing a lot of people back to the table.