Shadow banning
2018-07-28 17:06:49.935365+00 by
Dan Lyke
Twitter: Setting the record straight on shadow banning. Yes, the company recently changed how search results and similar get ranked, and people with lots of interaction with bogus and bot accounts moved down in the ranks.
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#Comment Re: Shadow banning made: 2018-07-28 19:50:12.874667+00 by:
Yeahhh, if they're changing their search algorithms to screen people out, and not double-checking who's getting screened, especially the most popular and verified accounts, then their due diligence just plain sucks.
If they keep it up another social network will eat their lunch. Some are already trying.
#Comment Re: Shadow banning made: 2018-07-29 19:59:55.638833+00 by:
Dan Lyke
I kinda see it as them slowly adopting the technologies that make Twitter usable: Removing
the people who are paying for their search position is gonna be necessary to keep them
I'm still astounded that they haven't integrated the Good Game Auto Blocker internally,
it's pretty much a necessity to make Twitter usable.