Ammon Bundy disavows Trump supporters
2018-12-07 18:48:48.892696+00 by
Dan Lyke
One of the things I've found interesting is the way that the libertarian movement ends up creating some uneasy alliances between groups that, from my perspective, have antithetical goals. Often in pursuit of one freedom, alliances form with groups that have as their goal wiping out another (see, for instance, the number of anti-porn or anti-abortion crusaders amongst the libertarian ranks). Part of my migration away from those viewpoints was realizing that most libertarians seemed completely happy to ally with those who'd fight against the freedoms that most directly impacted my life.
So this is a fascinating read: Ammon Bundy Is Quitting The Militia Movement After Breaking With Trump On Anti-Immigrant Rhetoric.
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#Comment Re: Ammon Bundy disavows Trump supporters made: 2018-12-08 10:41:26.996187+00 by:
Interesting to hear it. I had suspected that what drove the Bundys was more Mormon-based than
Libertarian-based. I’m pleasantly surprised, but don’t think it’ll make a big difference to anything.
Anyway, thanks for the link. Only blog I still regularly follow.
#Comment Re: Ammon Bundy disavows Trump supporters made: 2018-12-09 12:36:24.398411+00 by:
[edit history]
Trump's never been a libertarian. He's for fewer government regulations, and he talks up lower taxes, but he's worked in a regime where government helps big business and is quite comfortable with it. RINO, basically. He hopes to emulate Ronald Reagan, who also outwardly stood for less government but pushed the budget sky-high.