Harry Potter and the Fourth Wall
2019-02-07 19:14:32.265756+00 by
Dan Lyke
J.K. Rowling Reveals That You, The Reader, Were Gay All Along
“You can’t just make hundreds of millions of people gay for SJW clout,” wrote one user on Twitter. “I loved this story because I deeply identified with Harry, a young boy living in a closet trying to figure out how to use his wand and now you’ve muddled it all up with this sexual orientation retcon.”
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#Comment Re: Harry Potter and the Fourth Wall made: 2019-02-08 23:40:17.657472+00 by:
Well, the good news is, now I won't have to spend as much on a hardcover set of the books, because this sort of crap will drive people away from buying them and the price will drop.
#Comment Re: Harry Potter and the Fourth Wall made: 2019-02-10 20:23:02.744143+00 by:
TheSHAD0W needs to recalibrate their satire detector.
#Comment Re: Harry Potter and the Fourth Wall made: 2019-02-11 22:24:28.760258+00 by:
Dan Lyke
Yeah, I posted that quote specifically because it screamed satire.