Square Dancing vs Jazzercise
2019-05-11 16:14:34.309326+00 by Dan Lyke 0 comments
I love (modern (western)) square dancing. I love that it combines a mental workout with some brisk walking. I appreciate the square dancers who dance to my music. But I just found out that Jazzercise was founded in 1969, CALLERLAB started to come together circa 1971.
They are, admittedly, slightly different things, but Jazzercise has 228 corporate staff, over 8,300 franchisees, and some of those franchisees are doing well enough to be able to live in the SF North Bay on 6 classes a week.
I thought about this as I cashed a check in the double-digits for a two and a half hour dance I called for which I had to allow 3 hours of drive time...