Not commenting on Nextdoor right now
2019-05-15 18:15:06.944672+00 by
Dan Lyke
Not commenting on Nextdoor right now because phrases like "when did 'fiscal responsibility' become 'social engineering'?" and "I guess conservatives are for tax increases when progressives are against them" are rolling off my fingers.
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#Comment Re: Not commenting on Nextdoor right now made: 2019-05-16 12:54:09.412947+00 by:
[edit history]
Liberals Socialists are for taxing and spending, conservatives are for not taxing and not spending.
Fake conservatives are for borrowing and spending.
#Comment Re: Not commenting on Nextdoor right now made: 2019-05-16 16:32:32.083363+00 by:
Dan Lyke
The current crop of looters posing as conservatives in Petaluma are trying to get a ludicrous overpass built, it's gonna cost $120M and increase vehicle miles traveled, with no conceivable way for the city to recoup the costs.
The sane people have continually voted against any sort of tax increase that would let money go to this boondoggle. The looters have been unwilling to unbundle this and have people vote on a general revenue tax separately, even though an earmarked revenue measure should be way easier to pass.
So now the pseudo-conservatives are whining about how the liberals/progressives are voting against tax increases. It's really kinda weird to observe.
#Comment Re: Not commenting on Nextdoor right now made: 2019-05-17 01:11:21.724859+00 by:
Here in El Paso they're going to spend umpteen dozens of millions of dollars on a baseball stadium in the middle of downtown. And it won't even be for a major league team.
#Comment Re: Not commenting on Nextdoor right now made: 2019-05-17 18:54:14.136652+00 by:
Dan Lyke
Sigh. Stadiums are the absolute worst sort of grift.