AAA is a terrorist organization
2019-09-05 07:01:57.380882+00 by Dan Lyke 0 comments
I have seen a number of responses to the San Francisco just passed a resolution calling the NRA a ‘domestic terrorist organization’ story that are along the lines of "well, should we blame AAA for automobile related deaths?" And I was like "if you look at AAA's lobbying efforts, maybe we should", but then right below a link to this someone linked to this article: Deaths From Red Light Running At A 10-Year High, AAA Study Finds, a AAA spokesman saying "Drivers distracted on their phones, pedestrians distracted when crossing intersections, are all reasonable contributing causes to what we see the data telling us".
Pedestrians distracted on their phones. Yes, Mr Jake Nelson, let's go to the data: From the New York City Department of Transportion's look at distraction and collisions, :
"According to the last six years of available national data, fatalities involving the use of portable electronic devices by pedestrians ranged from one to twelve per year, representing 0% to 0.2% of pedestrian traffic fatalities".
And just wait 'til you see the numbers on how many fatalities were due to motorists not yielding the right of way to pedestrians.
So, yes: the data suggest that AAA is a terrorist organization.