Boris Johnson and the police
2019-09-06 20:57:21.493666+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
If you're following Brexit, I laughed out loud: Marina Hyde: Dazed and confused, Johnson stumbles into the twilight zone with a police escort
Why do people still call it a Tory “split” on Europe? It’s not a split: it’s an episiotomy. The Tory episiotomy on Europe went septic this week as Boris Johnson expelled 21 MPs, including two former chancellors and his hero Winston Churchill’s grandson; lost his own brother in a tale we’ll call Cain and Far More Able; and gave a speech so hallucinatorily bad it whiteyed a policewoman. At the current rate, even Robert Caro will only need a week to write this Johnson biography.
And it gets better.