Lovers of Modena
2019-09-14 16:25:25.517893+00 by
Dan Lyke
Lovers of Modena skeletons holding hands were both men:
Some of the suggestions for the link between the two skeletons are that they are siblings, cousins or soldiers who died together in battle, study author Federico Lugli told Italy's Rai news site (in Italian).
Or maybe that they were "just roommates"? Really, in 2019 we can't imagine that maybe homosexuality isn't a modern invention?
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#Comment Re: Lovers of Modena made: 2019-09-15 02:18:56.160432+00 by:
And maybe holding hands had different connotations back then.
And maybe this is only making news because it's being sensationalized.
#Comment Re: Lovers of Modena made: 2019-10-02 20:53:11.153614+00 by:
Dan Lyke

#Comment Re: Lovers of Modena made: 2019-10-03 12:36:37.393741+00 by:
... Not certain what point you're trying to make. (Despite the points on those "vases".)