Napster users vote.
2000-07-13 11:09:32+00 by Larry Burton 3 comments
It appears that a couple of senators have figured out that all those anonymous Napster an Gnutella users are voters. This is starting to get really interesting.
2000-07-13 11:09:32+00 by Larry Burton 3 comments
It appears that a couple of senators have figured out that all those anonymous Napster an Gnutella users are voters. This is starting to get really interesting.
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#Comment made: 2002-02-21 05:30:10+00 by: ziffle
This is the fallacy of a democracy. No elected representative has the right to assist in the theft from one citizen to another. Of course, acknowledging this opens up the fact this is already happening, and the repair would create a free country which of course would bother a lot of elected representives. At what point do the citizens take up guns when the government fails to protect their property? Ziffle
#Comment made: 2002-02-21 05:30:11+00 by: Dan Lyke
Youch. I'm not much of a fan of the RIAA in general or Metallica's tactics in this case, but someone needs to go thrash those morons in Washington for this. I think that musicians who "get" Napster can profit incredibly from the changes, and that Metallica and the RIAA are within their rights in going after the individuals engaged in the piracy (although I think that going against Napster is akin to going after Husqvarna for chainsaw murders), but the government imposing royalty rates is beyond wrong.
#Comment made: 2002-02-21 05:30:11+00 by: baylink
The government already *has*, Dan. There's a standard "compulsory license" rate for the recording of copyrighted music. In short, my perception of the situation is that the record companies are in fact conspiring to rip of not only us, but the artists, and as with all other 800-pound gorillas, it's going to take a very large baseball bat to get them to stop. CD price $16. Stamping cost .35 Profit to artist... .50, if they're lucky. Whose pocket is that money going into?