RIP Andy Lyke
2019-12-19 23:51:54.188929+00 by
Dan Lyke
And, my Dad has died. I am relieved that he is no longer trapped in the pain and helplessness of the last few months. I am sad to have lost a cheerleader and collaborator and awesome person of the highest order.
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#Comment Re: RIP Andy Lyke made: 2019-12-20 00:52:44.215066+00 by:
My sincerest condolences, Dan. Your recent posts about him and your upbringing conveyed a man worth knowing, and worth mourning.
I haven't lost a parent, yet, but I've watched close loved ones go through it and I know it's a hard road and changes things large and small. Go easy on yourself in the coming months.
#Comment Re: RIP Andy Lyke made: 2019-12-20 02:16:09.075554+00 by:
Sincere condolences. This is a tough time for a loss like this, but if he was suffering, it will be a relief and come to be easier as time goes by. Our thoughts are with you.
#Comment Re: RIP Andy Lyke made: 2019-12-20 13:38:54.414109+00 by: