The "e" stands for extortion eBay
2020-06-15 16:26:44.084016+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
Former eBay employees harassed couple who wrote critical newsletter articles, prosecutors say
Six former members of eBay's global security team have been charged by the FBI and federal prosecutors in Boston with cyberstalking as part of an effort to "stifle" the publishers of an online newsletter about the online auction company.
Prosecutors say the plan was two-fold. First, the eBay members allegedly harassed the couple with online deliveries at all times of the day and night, sent threatening messages, and intimidated the couple who published the newsletter. Then, the eBay team would contact the couple so they could proclaim that eBay noticed the harassment and offered to help the couple get out of the threatening environment eBay itself created.
6 eBay Executives And Employees Charged With Sending Threats, Bloody Pig Mask To Natick Couple