chastity lock cock-up
2020-10-06 18:04:04.729632+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
The Internet of Dongs Project: Locked In An Insecure Cage
QIUI is the company behind the CellMate chastity cage, a bluetooth enabled device that fits around the genitels and is controlled via mobile app. Control can be local via the app or control can be given to another user who can control and lock/unlock the device via a back end API that the app interfaces with over the internet. It should be noted that it was discovered that the device can only be unlocked by the app. There is no mechanical bypass or physical key.
Yeah, you can see where that went.
Pen Test Partners: Smart male chastity lock cock-up details the "can only get out with an angle grinder" problem, along with numerous other security flaws.