So far as I can tell
2020-12-15 00:40:09.855608+00 by
Dan Lyke
So far as I can tell, Bluetooth is where USB was circa 2000: Sketchy OS support, doesn't always work as expected, weird connection issues. Except that it's that way on all platforms, and has been for a long time...
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Wireless Work, productivity and environment
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#Comment Re: So far as I can tell made: 2020-12-17 16:36:58.537103+00 by:
No one I know in the hardware world has ever described bluetooth as anything other than an unremitting nightmare, which certainly accords with how well it functions in every application where I've ever experienced it. BLE (which I guess is a distinct protocol?) seems to be another animal, in that it sometimes works...
#Comment Re: So far as I can tell made: 2020-12-17 17:44:25.199733+00 by:
+1 to BLE. I got to use that on a project involving this little thing: and it
worked pretty well.
What I remember from that time is that 1) BLE is a totally and completely different tech than real BlueTooth
and 2) the BlueTooth name was there to be obvious that it was low range wireless.