#1 douchebag fried rice
2021-08-07 01:02:49.351896+02 by Dan Lyke 0 comments
S.F. restaurant's $72 fried rice was a runaway hit. It was also the chef's nightmare:
Lily started serving the crab fried rice around Christmas of 2020, two months after it opened, and it was supposed to be a two-week item, Lam admitted — a gimmick for the holidays. “The premise was, let’s do something so over-the-top and bougie,” he said. “We called it the #1 douchebag fried rice.” (On the menu, it was the much more politically correct #1 Dac Biet Fried Rice, with “dac biet” meaning “the works” or “special” in Vietnamese.) He expected that most people would see it and chuckle at the gall, then order the pho. They’d probably only sell three a night, if that.