Web4: LaTeX
2021-11-29 04:52:57.244761+01 by
Dan Lyke
Web4 should run on LaTeX.
The World Wide Web is broken: it is dominated by a handful of websites, nearly everything is financed by ads, bloated tech needlessly slows down surfing, NFTs and blockchain are digital cancer, et cetera. Stop it. Just stop it.
comments in ascending chronological order (reverse):
#Comment Re: Web4: LaTeX made: 2021-11-29 09:01:07.474936+01 by:
[edit history]
I recently tried to read the C2 Wiki, and I could not because I'm using an iPhone. I'm not, but the site thinks I am, and in talking with Ward Cunningham, it's because my web browser is more than 20 minutes out of date, and he's not going to fix, I'm sorry, degrade his site. Well, I won't link to the C2 Wiki anymore.