dev help
2000-10-03 01:16:44+00 by Dan Lyke 2 comments
Some help and suggestions, please:
- First, does anyone feel a need for revision history/audit trail for the main blog comments? I try to note when I do substantive changes and only tweak typos otherwise, but I know there are some strong feelings on the matter...
- I'm working on implementing a couple of new features, including _Aaron Swartz's syndication API_ (, but a while back Carl Coryell-Martin and I had talked about a way to cross-link discussion forum information. Anyone else playing with message boards or syndication and wanna share?
- Finally, I'm implementing a book library. A few of us have, at times, chatted about a book equivalent of the _IMDB_ (, and I'm hoping to let y'all browse some of my library by the end of this week. The problem I've got is that I want a higher quality database than the online bookstores (which pretty much suck, based on my small sample), and I don't know how I want to implement security and audit trails. Suggestions for maintaining large contributor count databases appreciated.