sunday hike
2000-10-23 00:10:01+00 by Dan Lyke 1 comments
I think I'm going to set up a separate place for journal type entries, but this is kinda in the middle, and several people have said more images would be better. So I bought a Canon PowerShot S100 Digital ELPH
(2.1 megapixel with a 5.4mm-10.8mm (35-70mm 35mm equiv) F2.8-4.0 lens) camera. Cute, small, good for snapshotty things. Bad for disk space. But it complements my monster SLR setup nicely. Image from the Sunday morning hike of the Scotch Night crowd, in one of the highest elevation redwood groves, at about 1,300 feet above sea level, in Novato, California.